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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título: Red and green spiny lobster populations in Brazil: a sampling program
Autor(es): Cruz, Raúl
Palavras-chave: Red lobster;Species - Panulirus argus;Commercial fishery;Lagosta;Espécie - Panulirus argus;Peixe - Comércio
Data do documento: 2012
Instituição/Editor/Publicador: The Lobster Newsletter
Citação: CRUZ, Raúl. Red and green spiny lobster populations in Brazil: a sampling program. The Lobster Newsletter, Portland, v. 25, n. 1, p. 9-12, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2023.
Abstract: Spiny red lobster (Panulirus argus) and green lobster (Panulirus laevicauda) support a large commercial fishery in Brazil. Currently the artisanal fishermen have used different legal models of baited rectangular traps called manzuá or covo (one side entrance) and cangalha (two or three side entrances), all woods coated with wire or nylon mesh. Many illegal models of gill net (called caçoeiras) are still used to catch lobster (Moura, 1963). Since 2000, different designs of artificial shelters called “marambaias” (constructed with materials of opportunity) which are illegal, were introduced in the Northeast lobster fishery grounds
ISSN: 1204-8380
Aparece nas coleções:LABOMAR - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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