LABOMAR - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas : [2027] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2027
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2024Indicadores de desempenho bioeconômico da frota atuneira de cardume associado na Região do Atlântico Oeste EquatorialMattos, Sérgio Macedo Gomes de; Travassos, Paulo Eurico Pires Ferreira; Seixas, Vinícius MeloArtigo de Periódico
2024Caracterização da assembleia de foraminíferos bentônicos no Parque Estadual Marinho da Pedra da Risca do Meio (Ceará, Brasil) e seu uso como indicador de condições de estresse em recifes de coraisLima, Marina Arbex de Castro; Tavares, Valéria de Souza; Almeida, Narelle Maia de; Rousseau, Tristan Charles ClitandreArtigo de Periódico
2024The use of population aspects of the ghost crabs as indicators of anthropogenic impact on urban beaches of the Brazilian Semiarid CoastLima, Jadson Pinto de; Ferreira, Tayanne Pires; Girão, Magalline Maria Lemos; Fortaleza, Matheus de Oliveira; Brito, Lucas; Rocha-Barreira, Cristina de AlmeidaArtigo de Periódico
2024Sex ratio and seasonal abundance of seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri lato sensu (Decapoda: Penaeidae) in the Northeastern Brazilian Coastal EcoregionMelo-Lima, Valeria Maria; Mata-Oliveira, Igor da; Frédou, Flavia Lucena; Coelho Filho, Petrônio AlvesArtigo de Periódico
2024Proposed method for verification of D2 BWM standard (IMO, 2004) when the presence of toxigenic V. choleraeSilva, Everaldo de Santana; Fernandez, Marcos Antonio dos Santos; Silva Filho, Renato Geraldo daArtigo de Periódico
2024Population study of the seahorse Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, 1933 (Teleostei: Syngnathidae) in two estuaries of Northeastern BrazilOsório, Frederico Moreira; Monteiro, Ana Beatriz Rodrigues; Lotufo, Tito Monteiro da CruzArtigo de Periódico
2024Caracterização do comércio de cavalos-marinhos Hippocampus spp. no estado do Ceará – Brasil.Osório, Frederico M.; Gurjão, Lívio M.; Nottingham, Mara C.; Barros, Glaura M. L.; Lotufo, Tito M.C.Artigo de Periódico
2021The 2019 Brazilian oil spill: Insights on the physics behind the driftLessa, Guilherme C.; Teixeira, Carlos Eduardo Peres; Pereira, Janini; Santos, Felipe M.Artigo de Periódico
2024Some like it hot: Is the recent presence of the meadow-forming Penicillus capitatus in the Azores connected to global warming?Gabriel, Daniela; Ferreira, Isabel; Teixeira, Carlos Eduardo Peres; Schmidt, William E.; Moura, Monica; Fredericq, SuzanneArtigo de Periódico
1998Food handling efficiency and particle size selectivity by the southern brown shrimp penaeus subtilis fed a dry pelleted feed.Nunes, Alberto Jorge Pinto; Parsons, G. JayArtigo de Periódico
2000Size-related feeding and gastric evacuation measurements for the Southern brown shrimp Penaeus subtilisNunes, Alberto Jorge Pinto; Parsons, Gerard JayArtigo de Periódico
2000Effects of the Southern brown shrimp, Penaeus subtilis, predation and artificial feeding on the population dynamics of benthic polychaetes in tropical pond enclosuresNunes, Alberto Jorge Pinto; Parson, Gerard JayArtigo de Periódico
2006Behavioral response to selected feed attractants and stimulants in Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannameiNunes, Alberto Jorge Pinto; Sá, Marcelo V.C.; Andriola-Neto, Francisco Felipe; Lemos, DanielArtigo de Periódico
2006A computer-based statistical model of the food and feeding patterns of the Southern brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus subtilis under culture conditionsNunes, Alberto Jorge Pinto; Parsons, G. JayArtigo de Periódico
2008Prediction of culture performance of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei by in vitro (pH-stat) degree of feed protein hydrolysis with species-specific enzymesLemos, D.; Nunes, Alberto Jorge PintoArtigo de Periódico
2011Growth performance of the white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, fed on practical diets with increasing levels of the Antarctic krill meal, Euphausia superba, reared in clear versus green-water culture tanksNunes, Alberto Jorge Pinto; Sá, Marcelo de Oliveira; Sabry-Neto, HassanArtigo de Periódico
2014Practical supplementation of shrimp and fish feeds with crystalline amino acidsNunes, Alberto Jorge Pinto; Sá, Marcelo Vinícius do Carmo; Browdy, Craig L.; Vazquez-Anon, MercedesArtigo de Periódico
2016Effect of shrimp stocking density and graded levels of dietary methionine over the growth performance of Litopenaeus vannamei reared in a green-water systemFaçanha, Felipe N.; Oliveira-Neto, Adhemar R.; Figueiredo-Silva, Claudia; Nunes, Alberto Jorge PintoArtigo de Periódico
2017Effects of soy protein ratio, lipid content and minimum level of krill meal in plant-based diets in the growth and digestibility of the white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei.Sabry-Neto, Hassan; Lemos, Daniel; Raggi, T.; Nunes, Alberto Jorge PintoArtigo de Periódico
2018Minimum water exchange spares the requirement for dietary methionine for juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei reared under intensive outdoor conditionsFaçanha, Felipe Nobre; Sabry-Neto, Hassan; Figueiredo-Silva, Claudia; Oliveira-Neto, Adhemar Rodrigues; Nunes, Alberto Jorge PintoArtigo de Periódico
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2027