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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Anthropogenic gadolinium in estuaries and tropical Atlantic coastal waters from Fortaleza, Northeast Brazil
Autor : Costa, Antônia Rute B. da
Rousseau, Tristan Charles Clitandre
Maia, Poliana D.
Amorim, Artur M.
Sodré, Fernando F.
Teixeira, Carlos Eduardo Peres
Palabras clave : Costal Waters;Enegy contamination;Source tracer;Aguas - Costa;Contaminação - Energia;Fontes- Traços - Contaminação
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Applied Geochemistry
Citación : COSTA, Antonia Rute B. da; ROUSSEAU, Tristan C.C.; MAIA, Poliana D.; AMORIM, Artur M.; SODRÉ, Fernando F.; TEIXEIRA, Carlos Eduardo Peres Peres. Anthropogenic gadolinium in estuaries and tropical Atlantic coastal waters from Fortaleza, Northeast Brazil. Applied Geochemistry, United Kingdom, v. 127, p. 104908, 2021.
Abstract: Gadolinium-based contrast agents are worldly used for medical magnetic resonance imaging and are an emerging contaminant in natural waters. We investigated the dissolved fraction of Gd in coastal waters from Fortaleza city and observe positive Gd anomalies in the wastewater outfall area as well as in two local river estuaries indicating that the city is a significant source of anthropogenic Gd (Gdanth) to the ocean. Based on this synoptic study and on the conservative behavior of Gdanth we trace a highly concentrated sewage-based source which accounts for 2200 pmol kg
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/68119
ISSN : 0883-2927
Aparece en las colecciones: LABOMAR - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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