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Type: Artigo de Periódico
Title: Estuaries and Gelatinous zooplankton: New records of Ctenophora from the Tropical Coast of Brazil (~3-11°S)
Authors: Campelo, R.P.S
Diaz, Xiomara.F.G
Santana, Jana R
Costa, Alejandro E.S.F
Nogueira Junior, Miodeli
Soares, Marcelo de Oliveira
Neumann -Leitao, Sigrid
Keywords: Costal Zone;Costal Zone - Fauna;Enviroment;Zona costeira;Zona costeira - Fauna;Meio ambiente
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Cahiers de Biologie Marine
Citation: CAMPELO, Renata P. S.; DIAZ, Xiomara F.G.; SANTANA, Jana R.; COSTA, Alejandro E. S. F.; NOGUEIRA JUNIOR, Miodeli; SOARES, Marcelo O.; NEUMANN-LEITAO, Sigrid. Estuaries and Gelatinous zooplankton: New records of Ctenophora from the Tropical Coast of Brazil (~3-11ºS). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, France, v. 61, p. 125-129, 2020.
Abstract: The fauna of ctenophores in the coastal zone of tropical Southwestern Atlantic is virtually unknown. Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata are important components of pelagic communities as top predators, which are occasionally abundant and widely distributed on coastal regions of the western Atlantic. However, in this region most of the records are in subtropical areas of SW Atlantic, North Atlantic or in the Caribbean region. In this paper we present information on the occurrence of both species in ten tropical estuaries, located between 3 and 11°S, covering more than 1,000 km of coastal areas. The records were made through visual observation, manual collections (with the aid of a 1 mm mesh size net) and subsurface and bottom zooplankton hauls (200, 300 and 500 μm mesh size). We recorded the occurrence of ctenophores in distinct shallow-water estuaries, including hypersaline and highly polluted environments. These new occurrences expand our knowledge on the distribution of the fauna of ctenophores, as well as on the need to carry out taxonomic works and studies that investigate the influence of environmental variables over the population structure and blooms of these species
ISSN: 0007-9723
Appears in Collections:LABOMAR - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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