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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Morphometric sexual maturity and allometric growth of the crab Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840 (Crustacea: Sesarmidae) in an impacted tropical mangrove in northeast Brazil
Otros títulos : Madurez sexual morfométrica y crecimiento alométrico del cangrejo Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840 (Crustacea: Sesarmidae) en un manglar tropical impactado en el noreste de Brasil
Autor : Ribeiro, Felipe Bezerra
Matthews-Cascon, Helena
Bezerra, Luis Ernesto Arruda
Palabras clave : Maturidade sexual;Crescimento;Mangue
Fecha de publicación : 2013
Citación : RIBEIRO, Felipe Bezerra; MATTHEWS-CASCON, Helena; BEZERRA, Luis Ernesto Arruda. Morphometric Sexual Maturity and Allometric Growth of the crab Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840 (Crustacea: Sesarmidae) in an impacted tropical mangrove in Northeast Brazil. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, São Paulo, v. 41, p. 361-368, 2013.
Abstract: The size at sexual maturity and the allometric growth of the semi-terrestrial crab Sesarma rectum were studied in an impacted tropical mangrove in northeast Brazil. Crabs were monthly collected during spring low-tide periods, from October 2009 through September 2010. A catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) technique was used to sample the crab population, with two-hour sampling periods, by two people. A total of 492 crabs were obtained, being 262 males and 230 females. The specimens were measured at carapace width (CW), the left and right propodus length and height (RPL, RPH, LPL and LPH), and the gonopod length of males (GL), and abdomen width (AW) of females. In males, the inflection point was at 27.14 mm CW in the relationship between CW and the length of right propodus (LRP), considering the morphological size at the onset of maturity. Based on the relationship between CW and AW, the size at sexual maturity in females was 22.97 mm. In spite of living in an impacted area, this population attained the maturity onset at a bigger size than other localities.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/60079
ISSN : 1809-9009
Aparece en las colecciones: LABOMAR - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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