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Type: Artigo de Periódico
Title: A brief measure to predict exercise behavior : the Archer-Garcia ratio
Authors: Garcia, Danilo
Daniele, Thiago Medeiros da Costa
Archer, Trevor
Keywords: Remédio;Psicologia Clínica;Psicologia
Issue Date: Jun-2017
Publisher: Heliyon
Citation: GARCIA, D. ; DANIELE, T. M. C. ; ARCHER, T. A brief measure to predict exercise behavior : the Archer-Garcia Ratio. Heliyon, v. 3, n. 6, p. 1-10, jun. 2017.
Abstract: Background: Different formsofconsciousandplannedphysicalexerciseand activity thatindividualsperformimprovenotonlyphysicalbutalsopsychological health, well-being,andbothphysicalandintellectualperformance.Hereweput forward andtestthepredictivevalidityoftheArcher-GarciaRatio,abriefmeasure for exercisefrequencycomputedusingparticipants’ responses totwoquestions. Method: The participants(N = 158)wererecruitedfromatrainingfacilityinthe south ofSweden.TheArcher-GarciaRatiowasconstructedbystandardizing(i.e., z-scores) andthensummarizingindividuals’ responses totwoquestions: “How often doyouexercise?” (1 = never, 5 = 5 times/weekormore) and “Estimate the level ofeffortwhenyouexercise” (1 = none orverylow, 10= very high). Participants respondedalsototheGodinLeisure-TimeExerciseQuestionnaireand allowed thecollectionofelectronicdatatotrackthenumberoftimestheyhad trained sixmonthsbeforeandbothsixandtwelvemonthsafterthesurvey. Results: The Archer-GarciaRatiopredicted,moderately,howoftenindividuals had trainedduringthesixmonthsbeforeandbothsixmonthsandtwelvemonths after thesurvey.
ISSN: 2405-8440
Appears in Collections:DMC - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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