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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Prospects for the world marine fishery production
Autor : Paiva, Melquíades Pinto
Fonteles Filho, Antonio Adauto
Melo, José Sávio Colares de
Silva, Sinfrônio Sousa
Palabras clave : Peixe - Marinho
Fecha de publicación : 1975
Editorial : Arquivos de Ciências do Mar
Citación : PAIVA, Melquíades Pinto et al. Prospects for the world marine fishery production. Arquivos de Ciências do Mar. Fortaleza, v. 15, n.2, p. 125-126, dez. 1975.
Resumen en portugués brasileño: The oceans are not the inexhaustible source of food they were once thought to be. On account of that, it is necessary to keep an watchful eye on their exploitation, so that proper management is applied towards obtaining the potential yield that can be harvested. After the II World War, the world fishery production showed a threefold increase, from less than 20 million metric tons in 1948 to more than 60 million metric tons in 1970. This has been the result of the discovery of new fishery resources and the increasing number of mobile fleets and factory vessels and to the use of modern and efficient fishing methods and gears. The possibilities for increased marine catches over the next years have been extensively investigated. The known estimates were commented on and discussed by Rounsefell (1971). The fulfillment of those forecasts is very important, in view of the dwindling food sources and the growing of the human population. In this paper the authors shall be concerned with attempting to find out the year when the most likely of those estimates will be reached, and what will be the composition of the catches by oceans and their regions, as well as by groups of species.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/1669
Aparece en las colecciones: LABOMAR - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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