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Tipo: Tese
Título : Electronic transport in molecular systems
Autor : Souza, Aldilene Saraiva
Tutor: Souza Filho, Antonio Gomes de
Co-asesor: Ratner, Mark A.
Palabras clave : Nanotecnologia;Nanoeletronica;Nanotechnology;Nanoelectronic
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Citación : SOUZA, A. S. Electronic transport in molecular systems. 2012. 107 f. Tese (Doutorado em Física) - Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2012.
Resumen en portugués brasileño: Nesta tese apresentamos o estudo teórico de transporte eletrônico de dispositivos moleculares em dois problemas distintos. No primeiro, comparamos medidas via microscopia de tunelamento (STM) com cálculos de primeiros princípios onde a tensão aplicada em uma mono camada de moléculas auto-montadas, denominadas: 5-(4-piridina)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-tiol (HPYT) e 5-(4-fenil)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-tiol (HPOT) mostram a distribuição local de carga. Essas moléculas são depositadas sobre um substrato de ouro tipo (1 1 1). A formação destas camadas moleculares foi confirmada por medidas de STM. Cálculos baseados na teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT) foram realizados para obter a conformação mais estável da interação molécula/substrato. Verificamos uma grande semelhança entre os resultados teóricos e as medidas de imagem de STM. A partir desta comparação, sugerimos que o átomo de enxofre na molécula HPYT e HPOT está ligado à superfície de ouro por uma ligação direta à um único átomo de ouro. Para descrever a corrente de tunelamento ao longo da mono camada molecular sobre a superfície de Au (1 1 1) foi proposto um modelo quântico baseado na técnica de equação mestra. Nós investigamos também, propriedades de transporte de spin em uma cadeia de poliacetileno (como ponte) acoplada à uma nano fita de carbono tipo zigue-zague (ZGNRs) funcionando como eletrodos. Os cálculos de transporte foram efetuados usando técnica de funções de Green fora do equilíbrio (NEGF), combinada com a teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT). Trabalhos anteriores demonstraram que as ZGNRs exibem um ordenamento antiferromagnético (AF) e meia-metalicidade nos estados provenientes da borda, que podem ser destruídos com aplicação de um forte campo elétrico externo. Neste trabalho, nós demonstramos que a ligação entre a ponte molecular e átomos não-equivalentes de carbono (A/B) na sub rede de grafeno ZGNRs pode ocorrer de duas formas produzindo um sistema metálico ou semicondutor fortemente dependente do acoplamento local. Ao considerar o anel de carbono onde a cadeia está ligada, uma ligação se assemelha a uma ligação para no benzeno, enquanto a outra ligação é semelhante a uma ligação meta. Estas geometrias geram transmissão eletrônica distinta, que pode ser controlada sob um campo elétrico transversal.
Abstract: The thesis presents the treoretical studies of electronic transport in molecular devices for two different systems. Firstly we report a comparison between modeling and experi­ mental current-voltage characteristics of self-assembled monolayers of 5- (4-pyridine)-1,3,4- oxadiazole-2-thiol (HPYT) and 5-(4-phenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-thiol (HPOT) molecules deposi ted on A u (111) . The formation of these self-assembled monolayers was confirmed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements. DFT calculations were per­ formed to obtain the most stable conformation of the molecular film. To compare with these results, STM images were calculated using a model based on a master equation technique. Striking similarity was found between the calculated and measured STM im­ ages, thus indicating the applicability of the model. From this comparison, we suggest that both HPYT and HPOT thiol molecules are attached to the Au surface by a bond between the sulfur and single gold atoms . A simple quantum model is proposed for describing the tunneling current along the molecular monolayer assembly on the Au(111) surface. Secondly we investigate spin transport properties in a junction composed of a polyacety­ lene chain bridging two zigzag graphene nanoribbon (ZGNRs) electrodes. The transport calculations are carried out using a non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) technique combined with density functional theory (DFT). Previous works have demonstrated that the ZGNRs exhibit a special antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering and half-metallicity at edge states, which can both be destroyed by applying a strong externai electric field. Here we demonstrate that the connection between the molecular bridge and non-equivalent carbon atoms (A / B) in the graphene sublattice of ZGNRs may occur in two bonding arrangements and can produce metallic and semiconducting systems strongly dependent on the local coupling. By considering the carbon ring where the chain is linked, one connection resembles a para-linkage in benzene, whereas the other connection is similar to a meta-linkage. This results in different conductances for these configurations, which may be controlled by field-effect gating. Finally, the spin filter efficiency for these sys­ tems as a function of electric field is discussed. We also demonstrated that donor (D) and acceptor (A) groups attached to molecular bridge offer the possibility to modify the trans­ mission probability of para-linkage and meta-linkage systems in a controlled way with a destructive quantum interference (QI) effective. In our calculation was demonstrated it is possible, for instance, by introducing the DA groups with magnetic properties and keep the spin polarized , such that spin-up and spin-down orbitais have different energies. This facilitates the construction of a spin valve that lets either spin-up or spin-down electrons to move while one is blocked. Abstract The thesis presents the treoretical studies of electronic transport in molecular devices for two different systems. Firstly we report a comparison between modeling and experi­ mental current-voltage characteristics of self-assembled monolayers of 5- (4-pyridine)-1,3,4- oxadiazole-2-thiol (HPYT) and 5-(4-phenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-thiol (HPOT) molecules deposi ted on A u (111) . The formation of these self-assembled monolayers was confirmed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements. DFT calculations were per­ formed to obtain the most stable conformation of the molecular film. To compare with these results, STM images were calculated using a model based on a master equation technique. Striking similarity was found between the calculated and measured STM im­ ages, thus indicating the applicability of the model. From this comparison, we suggest that both HPYT and HPOT thiol molecules are attached to the Au surface by a bond between the sulfur and single gold atoms . A simple quantum model is proposed for describing the tunneling current along the molecular monolayer assembly on the Au(111) surface. Secondly we investigate spin transport properties in a junction composed of a polyacety­ lene chain bridging two zigzag graphene nanoribbon (ZGNRs) electrodes. The transport calculations are carried out using a non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) technique combined with density functional theory (DFT). Previous works have demonstrated that the ZGNRs exhibit a special antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering and half-metallicity at edge states, which can both be destroyed by applying a strong externai electric field. Here we demonstrate that the connection between the molecular bridge and non-equivalent carbon atoms (A / B) in the graphene sublattice of ZGNRs may occur in two bonding arrangements and can produce metallic and semiconducting systems strongly dependent on the local coupling. By considering the carbon ring where the chain is linked, one connection resembles a para-linkage in benzene, whereas the other connection is similar to a meta-linkage. This results in different conductances for these configurations, which may be controlled by field-effect gating. Finally, the spin filter efficiency for these sys­ tems as a function of electric field is discussed. We also demonstrated that donor (D) and acceptor (A) groups attached to molecular bridge offer the possibility to modify the trans­ mission probability of para-linkage and meta-linkage systems in a controlled way with a destructive quantum interference (QI) effective. In our calculation was demonstrated it is possible, for instance, by introducing the DA groups with magnetic properties and keep the spin polarized , such that spin-up and spin-down orbitais have different energies. This facilitates the construction of a spin valve that lets either spin-up or spin-down electrons to move while one is blocked.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/12671
Aparece en las colecciones: DFI - Teses defendidas na UFC

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