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Type: Dissertação
Title: Avaliação da cultura quantitativa e do gram graduado do lavado broncoalveolar no diagnóstico das pneumonias nosocomiais
Authors: Carvalho, Maiza Colares de
Advisor: Rodrigues , Jorge Luiz Nobre
Keywords: Klebsiella pneumoniae;Medicina Clínica;Infecções Respiratórias;Staphylococcus aureus
Issue Date: 1997
Citation: CARVALHO, Maiza Colares de. Avaliação da cultura quantitativa e do gram graduado do lavado broncoalveolar no diagnóstico das pneumonias nosocomiais. 1997. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Clínica Médica) - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 1997. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jul. 2023.
Abstract in Brazilian Portuguese: Avaliação da cultura quantitativa e do gram graduado do lavado broncoalveolar no diagnóstico das pneumonias nosocomiais. 1997. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Clínica Médica) - Faculdade de Medicina, Pós-Graduação em Clínica Médica, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 1997. principais bactérias isoladas, foram em ordem decrescente: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Proteus mirabilis, entre outras. A análise do Gram graduado (GG) em função do diagnóstico clínico de PN mostrou que a presença de pelo menos dois critérios do GG determinava uma sensibilidade de 43%, com especificidade de 96% ,VP+ de 86% e VP- de 78,2%. Ao se considerar três parâmetros do GG, demonstrou-se uma sensibilidade de 10%, porém com especificidade de 100%, VP+ de 100% e VP- 64%. Ao se correlacionar pelo menos dois dos parâmetros predeterminados do GG, com o crescimento na cultura quantitativa (CQ) do LBA de um cut-off > lO^UFC/ml, encontrou-se uma sensibilidade de 51,9% com especificidade de 98,1%, VP+ de 93.3% e VP- de 80%. Ao se avaliar os três parâmetros predeterminados do GG, a sensibilidade caiu para 11,1%, mantendo a especificidade de 100%, VP+ de 100% e VP- de 68%. Os resultados apontam para o GG como um indicador precoce de PN, bem como fornece uma pista da etiologia bacteriana provável. O cut- offklO UFC/ml do LBA melhorou a especificidade do diagnóstico bacterológico da PN.
Abstract: The bacteriologic diagnosis of the Nosocomial Pneumonia (NP) is very difficult, once there isn’t a simple, efficient, sensible, specific or reasonable method. Many scientists have been researching bronchoscopic methods such as the study of the Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) and the use of the Protected Specimen Brush (PSB) to gather samples of bronchic secretion. This study tried to determine a cut off of the quantitative culture of BAL which would show a better specificity and sensitivity for the bacteriologic diagnosis of the NP, as well as the evaluation of BAL by the color of Gram, through a system of grading with three predetermined parameters, which were: Polimorphonuclears > 10/field, Bactérias > 10/field and intracellular microorganisms > 1%. During the period of April to December, 1996, 80 adult patients have been evaluated. Thirty of them were no infected and the other 50 suffered fforn other diseases, different from NP. The cut off of the quantitative culture of BAL, which was above or equal to IO3 colony formation unit (CFU)/ml showed a sensitivity of 66% and a specificity of 86%. The Positive Predictive Value (PV+) was 74.1%, and the Negative Predictive Value (PV-) was 81.1%. These results were greater than the ones shown with the cut off of 103 CFU/ml. For the cut off > IO25 CFU/ml, the main isolated bactérias were, in a decreasing order : P. aeruginosa, S.aureus, K. Pneumoniae, P.Mirabilis, among others. The analysis of the Graduated Gram (GG) related to the clinicai diagnosis of NP showed that the presence of at least two criterions of the GG determined a sensitivity of 43%, and a specificity of 96%, PV+ = 86% and PV- = 78.2%. When we consider 3 parameters of the GG, we will get a sensitivity of 10%, but a specificity of 100%. PV+ = 100% and PV- = 64%. When we correlated at least two of the predetermined parameters of the GG with the growing of the quantitative culture of BAL of a cut off > 105 CFU/ml, we found a sensitivity of 51.9% and a specificity of 98.1%. PV+ = 93.3% and PV- = 80%. When we evaluated the three predetermined parameters of the GG, the sensitivity dropped to 11.1%, keeping the specificity at 100%, PV+ = 100% and PV- = 68%. The results show that the GG is a precocious indicator of NP, and that it also give us a clue of the feasible bacterian etiology. The cut off > 10'' CFU/ml of BAL. improved the specificity of the bacteriological diagnosis of NP.
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