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Type: Artigo de Evento
Title: Seismo-electromagnetic phenomena in the western part of the Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary
Authors: Silva, Hugo Gonçalves
Bezzeghoud, Mourad
Biagi, Pier Francesco
Borges, Jose Fernando
Tlemçani, Mouhaydine
Rosa, Rui Manuel Vassalo Namorado
Silva, Manuel António Salgueiro da
Caldeira, Bento
Reis, Antonio Heitor
Manso, Marta
Rocha, J. P.
Issue Date: 2011
Citation: SILVA, Hugo Gonçalves; BEZZEGHOUD, Mourad; BIAGI, Pier Francesco; BORGES, Jose Fernando; TIEMÇANI, Mouhaydine; ROSA, Rui Namorado; SILVA, Manuel António Salgueiro da; CALDEIRA, Bento; REIS, Antonio Heitor; MANSO, Marta; ROCHA, J. P.. Seismo-electromagnetic phenomena in the western part of the Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary. In: Tectónica Recente e Perigosidade Sísmica, 2011, Lisboa. Anais [...]. Lisboa, 2011.
Abstract: This paper presents a work that aims to monitor seismo-electromagnetic phenomena in the Western Part of the Eurasia-Nubia Plate Boundary. This region has a significant tectonic activity combined with relatively low electromagnetic noise levels, rendering high quality seismo electromagnetic measurements possible. An overview of the seismicity of this region is presented and the research plan is discussed accordingly
Appears in Collections:DEME - Trabalhos apresentados em eventos

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