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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título : In vitro antibacterial effect of aqueous and ethanolic Moringa leaf extracts
Autor : Peixoto, Jackson Rafael Oliveira
Silva, Giselle Cristina
Costa, Renata Albuquerque
Fontenelle, Joseí res Lirade Sousa
Vieira, Gustavo Hitzschky Fernandes
Fonteles Filho, Antonio Adauto
Vieira, Regine Helena Silva dos Fernandes
Palabras clave : Species - Moringa oleifera;Activity antibacterial;Gram positive and negative bacteria;Espécie - Moringa oleifera;Atividade antibacteriana;Bacterias Gram positivas and negativa
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine
Citación : PEIXOTO, Jackson Rafael Oliveira; SILVA, Giselle Cristina; COSTA, Renata Albuquerque; FONTENELLE, Joseí res Lirade Sousa; VIEIRA, Gustavo Hitzschky Fernandes; FONTELES-FILHO, Antonio Adauto; VIEIRA, Regine Helena Silva dos Fernandes. In vitro antibacterial effect of aqueous and ethanolic Moringa leaf extracts. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, Hong Kong, v. 4, n.3, p. 201-204, 2011. Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1995-7645(11)60069-2. Acesso em: 1 fev. 2023.
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the antibacterial effect of aqueous and ethanolic moringa leaf extracts (Moringa oleifera) on the growth of gram-positive and negative bacteria. Methods: Paper disks were soaked with 100, 200, 300 and 400毺L of extract at 20 g/180 mL and 10 g/190 mL. All extracts were tested against Escherichia coli (ATCC25922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC25923), Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC29212), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC27853), Salmonella enteritidis (IH) and Aeromonas caviae. The susceptibility tests were performed using the modified disk diffusion method. Results: The strains E. coli, P. aeruginosa and S. enteritidis (IH) were resistant to all treatments. In general, disks with 400 毺L extract were the most efficient against S. aureus, V. parahaemolyticus, E. faecalis and A. caviae. Conclusions: The study indicates a promising potential for aqueous and ethanolic Moringa leaf extracts as alternative treatment of infections caused by the tested strains
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/70394
ISSN : 1995-7645
Aparece en las colecciones: LABOMAR - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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