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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Mercury dispersal in water, sediments and aquatic biota of a gold mining tailing deposit drainage in Pocone, Brazil
Autor : Lacerda, Luiz Drude de
Pfeiffer, Wolfgang Christian
Marins, Rozane Valente
Rodrigues, S.
Souza, C. M. M.
Bastos, Wanderley Rodrigues
Palabras clave : Heavy metals - Mercury;Mercury - Deposition;Mercury - Concentration;Metais pesados - Mercúrio;Mercúrio - Depósito;Mercúrio - Concentração
Fecha de publicación : 1991
Editorial : Water, Air and Soil Pollution
Citación : LACERDA, L. D.; PFEIFFER, W. C.; MARINS, R.V.; RODRIGUES, S.; SOUZA, C. M. M.; BASTOS, W. R. Mercury dispersal in water, sediments and aquatic biota of a gold mining tailing deposit drainage in Pocone, Brazil. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Switzerland, v. 55, p. 283-294, 1991.
Abstract: In the Pocone district, Brazil, Hg distribution was studied in a small watershed which drains tailings from a 10 yr old gold mining operation. Heavy regional rains are responsible for continuous weathering, thereby making it possible to transport Hg into the ecologically important Pantanal area. Mercury concentrations in creek sediments range from < 0.02 to 0.18 mg. kg -1. The highest concentrations occur close to the tailings deposit. Mercury concentrations in the water were always below the detection limit of the analytical method used (<0.04 txg. L-I). Suspended matter samples collected before, during and after a storm, showed a Hg peak value of 0.61 mg kg -~ about 30 min after the event. Dissolved Hg concentration still fell below the detection limit. Among the biota, molluscs accumulated moderately high concentrations of Hg, while macrophytes and fish did not. Mercury concentrations in molluscs were dependent on size, with larger animals presenting higher Hg concentration. We conclude that Hg present in the tailings shows low mobility and that its eventual transport into the drainage system is dependent on the erosion of fine material from the wastes during rains, resulting in a restricted contamination of the area and low Hg concentration in the biota.
URI : 0049-6979
Aparece en las colecciones: LABOMAR - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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