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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título : The impact of urbanization on tropical mangroves (Fortaleza, Brazil): Evidence from PAH distribution in sediments
Autor : Cavalcante, Rivelino M.
Sousa, Francisco W.
Nascimento, Ronaldo F.
Silveira, Edilberto R.
Freire, George S. S.
Palabras clave : PAHs;Tropical mangrove;Sediment pollution;Hydrocarbons;Source determination;Toxicological significance
Fecha de publicación : 2009
Editorial : Journal of Environmental Management
Citación : CAVALCANTE, Rivelino M. et al. The impact of urbanization on tropical mangroves (Fortaleza, Brazil): Evidence from PAH distribution in sediments. Journal of Environmental Management, [s. l.], v. 91, n. 2, p. 328-335, 2009.
Abstract: This investigation represents the first environmental diagnosis of the distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments from a tropical mangrove in Fortaleza, northeastern Brazil. Sediment cores from six sampling stations in the Coco´ and Ceara´ Rivers were retrieved in JuneJuly 2006 to determine 17 priority PAHs. The total PAH concentrations (SPAHs) ranged from 3.04 to 2234.76 mg kg1(Coco´ River) and from 3.34 to 1859.21 mg kg1 (Ceara´ River). These levels are higher than those of other cities with more industrial development. PAH concentrations did not reach probable effect levels (PELs). However, from 4.5 to 87.5% of individual PAH concentrations can occasionally cause adverse biological effects for aquatic organisms. The PAH molecular ratios indicate that the PAHs in the sediment core were derived mainly from petroleum, wood, and charcoal combustion (pyrogenic source), and that atmospheric deposition and urban runoff may serve as important pathways for PAH input to the sediment. Clearly, the SPAHs in sediments collected in the Coco´ and Ceara´ Rivers indicate that ongoing pollution is more severe than past pollution.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/64764
ISSN : 0301-4797
Derechos de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece en las colecciones: DGL - Artigos publicados em revista científica

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