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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Fish diversity in tidepools: assembling effects of environmental heterogeneity
Autor : Bezerra, Luis Artur Valões
Padial, André Andrian
Mariano, Filipe Brasil
Garcez, Danielle Sequeira
Sánchez-Botero, Jorge Iván
Palabras clave : Coral reef fish;Functional traits;Beta diversity;Community organization;Gracilaria spp;Brazilian western Atlantic
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : Environ Biol Fish
Citación : BEZERRA, Luis Artur Valões et al. Fish diversity in tidepools: assembling effects of environmental heterogeneity. Environ Biol Fish, [s. l.], v. 100, p. 551-563, 2017.
Abstract: Tidepools are considered ecosystems of high interchangeable fish biota. However, natural and anthropogenic actions that alter negatively marine ecosystems functioning (e.g., algal exploitation) are causing homogenization of fish biodiversity. Here, we describe the functional and taxonomic assembling of fishes in beach rocks of northeastern Brazil. Traits of fish species were retrieved from Fishbase and beta diversity was assessed by the dispersion of abundance, presence-absence and functional diversity in the multivariate space. We explained spatial-temporal variation in: alpha diversity, taxonomic and functional community composition; as well as temporal variation in functional, beta and gamma diversities. We found an annual stability in fish diversity and composition, and that fish biota was assembled mainly per tidepools’ depths. Substrate heterogeneity was correlated to depth, highlighting the role of local features as filters to organize the fish fauna vertically in tidepools, especially a cultivation of algae that influences the local assembling. We also highlight the uniqueness status of beach rocks in the Brazilian tropical region
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/63309
Derechos de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece en las colecciones: DBIO - Artigos publicados em revista científica

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