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Tipo: TCC
Título : Reflections of a systemic bilingual teacher about language acquisition in a summer immersion experience
Autor : Oliveira, Francisco Rodrigo Soares
Tutor: Cardoso, Lídia Amélia de Barros
Palabras clave : Aulas bilingues;Bilíngue sistêmico;Aquisição de segunda língua
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Citación : OLIVEIRA, Francisco Rodrigo Soares. Reflections of a systemic bilingual teacher about language acquisition in a summer immersion experience. Orientadora: Lídia Amélia de Barros Cardoso. 2019. 20 f. TCC (Graduação em Letras Inglês) - Curso de Graduação em Letras Inglês, Centro de Humanidades, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2019.
Resumen en portugués brasileño: Bilingualism has been discussed a lot in Brazil as the number of bilingual projects in schools have increased in the last years. Currently, many schools offer bilingual classes assuming a different perspective of the English learning process. During a summer immersion experience 2 American kids aged 4 and 9 were taught Portuguese lessons based on Systemic Bilingual method. It is expected that the data collection and analysis of the present study will shed light to some important characteristics of the method that helped students acquire the second language. In addition, the strategies used to accomplish the learning goals are identified.
Abstract: Bilingualism has been discussed a lot in Brazil as the number of bilingual projects in schools have increased in the last years. Currently, many schools offer bilingual classes assuming a different perspective of the English learning process. During a summer immersion experience 2 American kids aged 4 and 9 were taught Portuguese lessons based on Systemic Bilingual method. It is expected that the data collection and analysis of the present study will shed light to some important characteristics of the method that helped students acquire the second language. In addition, the strategies used to accomplish the learning goals are identified.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/57137
Aparece en las colecciones: LETRAS - INGLÊS - Monografias

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