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Type: Artigo de Evento
Title: Modelos de produção enxuta destinados à viabilização de vantagens competitivas
Authors: Machado, Ricardo Luiz
Heineck, Luiz Fernando Mählmann
Keywords: Produção enxuta;Vantagem competitiva
Issue Date: 2001
Citation: MACHADO, R. L.; HEINECK, L. F. M. Modelos de produção enxuta destinados à viabilização de vantagens competitivas. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 21., 2001, Salvador. Anais... Salvador: ENEGEP, 2001.
Abstract: This paper shows the findings of a recent research relating to the conceptual basis of the lean production and its profits to industrial organizations. It indicates that lean production is a combination of production practices from a number of theories, tools and techniques, oriented to the concept of value definition, value chain characterization, inputs and products flows, pull production scheduling and continuos improvement – kaizen. It concludes showing five lean production models shaped according to specific competitive dimensions prioritized to the market sharing that a company is competing.
Appears in Collections:DECC - Trabalhos apresentados em eventos

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