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Type: Artigo de Evento
Title: Uma Ferramenta de diagnóstico do nível de modernidade da indústria da construção civil
Authors: Dacol, Silvana
Castro, João Ernesto Escosteguy
Heineck, Luiz Fernando Mählmann
Keywords: Construção civil
Issue Date: 1996
Citation: DACOL, S.; CASTRO, J. E. E.; HEINECK, L. F. M. Uma Ferramenta de diagnóstico do nível de modernidade da indústria da construção civil. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 16., 1996, Piracicaba. Anais... Piracicaba: ENEGEP, 1996.
Abstract: The civil construction industry has been considered technologically arrears if compared to other sectors. In the other hand it has been trying to incorporate new process technologies to its traditional activities. This work presents a methodological proposal of diagnosis of this for the civil construction industry technological potential. The tool will be capable of identifying strong and missing points, related to process technologies used by the constructing companies. This tool may be applied by any organization interested on the civil construction development; to evaluate sector progress and/or the firm progress, and also to know which will be the development and financial policies to be followed.
Appears in Collections:DECC - Trabalhos apresentados em eventos

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