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Type: Artigo de Evento
Title: Racionalização de canteiros através da implantação de inovações tecnológicas
Authors: Meira, Alexsandra Rocha
Librelotto, Lisiane Ilha
Santos, Patrícia Lima
Heineck, Luiz Fernando Mählmann
Keywords: Construção civil - Inovações;Produtividade;Custos - Redução;Mão de obra
Issue Date: 1998
Citation: MEIRA, A. R. et al. Racionalização de canteiros através da implantação de inovações tecnológicas. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DA PRODUÇÃO, 18., 1998, Niterói. Anais... Niterói: ENEGEP, 1998.
Abstract: This work presents a list of technological innovations that were observed in seven building sites in the city of Florianópolis, in the south of Brazil. They were of a simple nature, with small capital investments, dealing with the areas of human welfare on site, site layout and material’s handling, in a total of 131 items. It was seen that not more than 50% of the items were introduced even in the most developed building company. Surprisingly the greater part of modifications was introduced in the area of human welfare. The different building sites are compared in terms of their ranking, as far as the number of technological innovations that were introduced is concerned.
Appears in Collections:DECC - Trabalhos apresentados em eventos

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