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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Joint resource block assignment and power allocation problem for rate maximization with QoS guarantees in multiservice wireless systems
Autor : Mauricio, Weskley Vinicius Fernandes
Lima, Francisco Rafael Marques
Sousa, Diego Aguiar
Maciel, Tarcísio Ferreira
Cavalcanti, Francisco Rodrigo Porto
Palabras clave : Multiservice;Qality of service (QoS);Rate Maximization;Resource and power assignment
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Journal of Communication and Information Systems
Citación : CAVALCANTI, F. R. P. et al. Joint resource block assignment and power allocation problem for rate maximization with QoS guarantees in multiservice wireless systems. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, [s.l.], v. 31, n. 1, p. 211-223, 2016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2016.19
Abstract: We formulate the resource and power assignment problem of maximizing the spectral efficiency of a wireless system subject to user satisfaction constraints in the multiservice scenario. We show that although this optimization problem is nonlinear, it can be converted to an integer linear program. In this way, standard techniques can be used to obtain the optimal solution. Motivated by the high computational complexity of the optimal solution, we propose a fast suboptimal algorithm. Simulation results show that our proposal achieves near-optimal performance in low and medium loads with a much lower computational complexity compared with the algorithm used to obtain the optimal solution. Therefore, our proposed algorithm achieves a good tradeoff between performance and computational complexity. We also show that the addition of adaptive power allocation renders significant performance gains in the considered scenario.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/70560
ISSN : 1980-6604
Aparece en las colecciones: DETE - Artigos publicados em revista científica

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