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Tipo: Resumo
Título : Teaching english as a second language in brazilian schools: beyond the verb to be
Autor : Cardoso, Lídia Amélia de Barros
Cajazeiras, Milla Barbosa Rios
Palabras clave : English as a second language;Teaching english in brazilian schools;Learning english
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : CARDOSO, Lídia Amélia de Barros; CAJAZEIROS, Milla Barbosa Rios. Teaching english as a second language in brazilian schools: beyond the verb to be. In: SEMANA DE HUMANIDADES, 15., 2022, Fortaleza. Anais [...]. Fortaleza: Centro de Humanidades da UFC, 2022. p. 25-26. Tema: Sonhar é Humanas: (re)existências no mundo contemporâneo.
Resumen en portugués brasileño: According to Moeller (2021), the emotional cognition of a student together with the classroom environment will impact positively or negatively in their cognitive accomplishment to learn the subject. From that, the present study analyzes the teaching methodology of English as a second language for students of public and private schools during and after the pandemic. This research departs from a questionnaire that analyzed 14 English teachers of public and private schools in Ceará, Brazil, focusing on their teaching methods, the struggles their students face, and reports of their experiences during teaching undergraduation programs. The methodology for analyzing data was qualitative-descriptive (McKay, 2006), in which 14 answers were analyzed according to a questionnaire with 13 objective and subjective questions applied on Google Forms. To assess the data, teachers were divided into experts (more than five years working as a teacher) and novices (less than five years working as a teacher). The results indicate that one of the difficulties students face is integration of the four abilities, mostly speaking, which showed unanimity in the novices and represents 88.89% the answers to the experts; besides the difficulty assessing digital resources to teach at schools.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/70234
ISBN : 978-65-00-61083-3
Derechos de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece en las colecciones: SH - Resumos de trabalhos apresentados em eventos

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