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Tipo: Artigo de Evento
Título : Dc bus in industry a new way towards energy efficiency
Autor : Lima, André dos Santos
Guedes, Aderaldo Ricarte
Freitas, Antônio Alisson Alencar
Sá Júnior, Edilson Mineiro
Antunes, Fernando Luiz Marcelo
Palabras clave : Engenharia elétrica;Eletrônica de potência;Motores elétricos de indução
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : PCIM Europe
Citación : LIMA, A. S. et al. Dc bus in industry a new way towards energy efficiency. In: PCIM Europe, 2017, Nuremberg. Anais... Nuremberg: PCIM, 2017. p. 1757-1760.
Abstract: In this paper, will be discussed an industry dc bus used to supply a group of induction motors, synchronous permanent magnet motors (SPMM) and the recovery of break energy with a supercapacitor energy recovery system. The dc bus supplies inverters connected to motor and could have a big tolerant level of voltage variation. With the utilization of supercapacitor recovery systems, new industry standards should be adopted and bidirectional rectifiers could be left aside once the break energy recovered will be stored and used to a new machine restart. Moreover, bidirectional rectifiers for high current has critical response for motor ́s break energy recover and they are expensive and if compared to traditional high current rectifiers.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/68601
Aparece en las colecciones: DEEL - Trabalhos apresentados em eventos

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