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dc.contributor.authorLacerda, Luiz Drude de-
dc.contributor.authorSouza, Cristina Maria Magalhães de-
dc.contributor.authorPestana, Maria Heloisa Degrazia-
dc.identifier.citationLACERDA, Luiz Drude; SOUZA, Cristina M. M.; PESTANA, Maria Heloisa D. Geochemical partitioning of heavy metals in sediments of three estuaries along the coast of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Science of the Total Environment, Netherlands, v. 58, n. 4, p. 63-72, 1986.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe geochemical partitioning of Cu, Cd, Cr and Pb was studied in sediments of three estuaries along the coast of Rio de Janeiro. The results show that, under contaminated conditions, the lithogeneous fraction of the total metal concentration decreases in importance, and mobile frac- tions dominate. Dilution with less contaminated marine sediments and the effect of salinity on metal behaviour could only be observed in the uncontaminated estuary. Under oxic conditions the reducible fraction is the more important sink for metals among the mobile phases. However, in the area with high organic sewage inputs, the oxidizable fraction can account for the greater fraction of total metal content. This latter result suggests a synergistic effect between organic pollution and metal contamination, since metals in oxidizable forms may be remobilized during mixture with oxic marine sediment.pt_BR
dc.publisherScience of the Total Environmentpt_BR
dc.subjectSediment geochemistrypt_BR
dc.subjectHeavy metals - Concentration - Coastpt_BR
dc.subjectSedimentos -Geoquimicapt_BR
dc.subjectMetais pesados - Concentração - Costaspt_BR
dc.titleGeochemical partitioning of heavy metals in sediments of three estuaries along the coast of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:LABOMAR - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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