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Type: Artigo de Evento
Title: Morphological and ultrastructural changes in seminal coagulum of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri collinsi Osgood, 1916) before and after liquefaction
Authors: Sousa, Patrícia da Cunha
Leão, Danuza Leite
Sampaio, Wlaisa Vasconcelos
Vasconcelos, Fábio Roger
Pinheiro, Sergimar Kennedy de Paiva
Miguel, Emilio de Castro
Santos, Regiane Rodrigues dos
Moura, Arlindo Alencar
Domingues, Sheyla Farhayldes Souza
Keywords: Semen;Microscopy;Coagulação;Extender;Neotropical primate
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Animal Reproduction Science
Citation: SOUSA, Patrícia da Cunha et al. Morphological and ultrastructural changes in seminal coagulum of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri collinsi Osgood, 1916) before and after liquefaction. Animal Reproduction Science, [s.l.], v. 226, n. 106710, p. 1-11, 2021.
Abstract: Studies with squirrel monkey semen are of special interest due to the large amount of coagulation that is a component of the semen, which is a problem that has to be overcome when the objective is harvesting of gametes. In the present study, there was characterization of the seminal coagulum of captive S. collinsi. Four samples of ejaculates were collected using electroejaculation procedures from four animals. The aim in conducting this study was to evaluate seminal coagulum of S. collinsi using histological and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) procedures before and after semen liquefaction in an ACP-118® extender. Seminal coagulum of S. collinsi was composed of a superficial plate (external), which coats the spongy seminal plasma matrix of S. collinsi. Additionally, there were sperm in the external and internal components of the coagulum with these gametes being isolated or grouped and with there being a heterogeneous distribution of gametes. The supplementation of semen with ACP-118® resulted in a partial dissolution of the seminal plate and spongy matrix portions of the seminal coagulum within the first hour of incubation.
ISSN: 0378-4320
Appears in Collections:DEMM - Artigos publicados em revista científica

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