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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título: Hydrogeochemistry approach to the identification of flow components under the descending limb conditions of a hydrograph (Corbeira stream, Spain)
Autor(es): Figueiredo, Juciene Andrade
Menor, Eldemar Albuquerque
Taboada-Castro, Maria Teresa
Taboada-Castro, Maria Mercedes
Lacerda, Luiz Drude de
Palavras-chave: Detection methods;Hydrogeochemical;Analysis - Grafics;Metodos - Detecção;Gráficos - Análises;Hidroquimica
Data do documento: 2012
Instituição/Editor/Publicador: Applied Geochemistry
Citação: FIGUEIREDO, Juciene Andrade; MENOR, Eldemar Albuquerque; TABOADA-CASTRO, Maria Teresa; TABOADA-CASTRO, Maria Mercedes; LACERDA, Luiz Drude de. Hydrogeochemistry approach to the identification of flow components under the descending limb conditions of a hydrograph (Corbeira stream, Spain). Applied Geochemistry, Florida, v. 27, p. 753-759, 2012.
Abstract: This paper presents a method based on hydrogeochemical signatures for the identification of flow com- ponents, from the descending limb to the baseflow, without the direct support of hydrographs. The pro- posed model was built using chemical analysis of waters from a small agro-forestry catchment having a temperate climate. The sampling was performed every 15 days at the Corbeira stream outlet, from 2004 to 2008. A statistical approach was used with particulate P/dissolved P (PP/DP) values, resulting in a glo- bal histogram, within which mini-Gaussian distributions were highlighted. The mean of each group of highlighted PP/DP values, as well as all other selected analytical parameters, were calculated and plotted in Cartesian diagrams. The results showed the hydrogeochemical signatures of the Corbeira stream in the descending limb to baseflow conditions. Scatterplots of the migration of particulate matter showed linear regressions forming a – 0 to the X-axis, while dissolved compounds showed parallel linearity (a = 0) in relation to the same axis. Deflections in the linear behavior point to significant changes in the chemical concentrations from different types of aqueous inputs. Flow components in the descending limb show distinct ranges along the X-axis: the mean PP/DP values. The ranges varying from 3.3 to 2.0 correspond to its upper phases from 2.0 to 0.9 suggests mixtures between inflows and from 0.9 to 0.3 denote subsur- face flow dominance. Finally, PP/DP < 0.3 indicates exclusive baseflow conditions. These intervals are spe- cific to the Corbeira catchment as a consequence of its geographical characteristics and should be numerically different from the proposed method if applied to other catchments. However, this method remains valid for application in other small catchments as the PP/DP ranges in the descending limb are defined by the relative behavior between the linear correlations from the hydrogeochemical concen- trations plotted in a Cartesian diagram.
ISSN: 0883-292
Aparece nas coleções:LABOMAR - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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