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Tipo: TCC
Título: Profitability analysis of energy efficiency measures in office buildings: A study case in Germany
Autor(es): Sousa, Jessica Elisa de
Orientador: Câmara, Raphael Amaral da
Palavras-chave: Energy efficiency;Smart Buildings;Lighting;Heating;Economic analyses
Data do documento: 2019
Citação: SOUSA, Jessica Elisa de. Profitability analysis of energy efficiency measures in office buildings: A study case in Germany. 2019. 40 f. Monografia (Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2019.
Abstract: With the aim of improving the energy consumption levels and safe resources in an office building, the work presents a study of the implementation of energy efficiency measures as well as an smart building automation project to save energy resources. The work presents the economic analysis of all suggested actions to improve energy savings and the payback of each solution.
Aparece nas coleções:ENGENHARIA ELÉTRICA - Monografias

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