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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Effect of red propolis on hamster cheek pouch angiogenesis in a new sponge implant model
Autor : Melo, Nayanna de Oliveira Ramos
Juanes, Camila de Carvalho
Alves, Mayara Freire de Alencar
Silva, Emiliano Tiago Melo
Jamacaru, Francisco Vagnaldo Fechine
Lemos, Telma Leda Gomes de
Dornelas, Conceição Aparecida
Palabras clave : Inibidores da Angiogênese;Angiogenesis Inhibitors;Própolis;Mesocricetus
Fecha de publicación : may-2018
Editorial : Acta Cirurgica Brasileira
Citación : MELO, N. de O. R. et al. Effect of red propolis on hamster cheek pouch angiogenesis in a new sponge implant model. Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, São Paulo, v. 33, n. 5, may. 2018.
Abstract: Purpose: To evaluate the effects of red propolis on cheek pouch angiogenesis in a hamster new model sponge implant. Methods: Forty eight animals divided into eight groups. (Groups I-IV), the animals were treated for 15 days before and 10 days after sponge implantation. (Groups V-VIII), the animals were treated for 10 days after sponge implantation (GI and GV: red propolis 100 mg/kg, GII and GVI: celecoxib 20 mg/kg, GIII and GVII: 1% gum arabic 5 mL/kg, GIV and GVIII: distilled water 5 mL/kg). On the 11th day of implantation, the animals were anesthetized for stereoscopic microscopic imaging and morphometric quantification of angiogenesis (SQAN), followed by histopathological evaluation (H&E). Results: In the SQAN analysis, no significant difference was found between the groups. However, on histology, propolis was found reduce the population of mastocytes in the qualitative analyses (p = 0,013) in the quantitative analyses to reduce the number of blood vessels (p = 0,007), and increase the macrophage count (p = 0,001). Conclusion: Red propolis inhibited inflammatory angiogenesis when administered before andcontinuously after sponge implant, and was shown to have immunomodulating effects on inflammatory cells (mastocytes and macrophages) in a new sponge implant hamster model.
URI : 1678-2674 On-line
ISSN : 0102-8650 Print
Aparece en las colecciones: PPGF - Artigos publicados em revistas científica

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