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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Non-ionizing radiation effect on the markup of blood cells with 99 mtc in vitro
Autor : Martiniano, Carlos Ricardo de Queiroz
Marques, Lídia Audrey Rocha Valadas
Rodrigues Neto, Edilson Martins
Lotif, Mara Assef Leitão
Diógenes, Érika Sabóia Guerra
Capistrano, Allana Bezerra
Thé, Mayra Furtado Dias Filgueira
Silva, Francisco Filipe Carvalho da
Catanho, Maria Teresa Jansem de Almeida
Palabras clave : Laser;Terapia de Campo Magnético;Magnetic Field Therapy;Tecnécio
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Citación : MARTINIANO, C. R. de Q. et al. Non-Ionizing radiation effect on the markup of blood cells with 99 mtc in vitro. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, v. 6, p. 4605-10, 2016.
Abstract: The energy density of low power, laser and electromagnetic field , has been used in recent years quite often in the medical field . The study of labeling red blood cells with technetium 99m is used for various evaluations in nuclear medicine including the study of blood volume in neurological intensive care . The aim was to evaluate the in fluence of non - ionizing radiation on the red blood cells labeled in vitro . B lood samples from rats of the Wistar strain divided into two groups were used. The first group used the EDTA and heparin as anticoagulants and received low - power laser induction ( L PL) in the following separately energy density : 3, 6, 9 and 18J/cm². The second group received an electromagnetic field (EMF ) of 60 Hz for 2, 4 , 17 and 21 hours separately . After the induction of the laser and the electromagnetic field , the blood samples w ere labeled with technetium - 99m ( 99mTc). The results indicate that the presence of anticoagulants is able to modify the uptake of technetium - 99m by red blood cells . The laser induced decreases the binding capacity of the technetium - 99m from 3J/cm². From th e foregoing it was found that the radiation is non - ionizing EMF with LBP or alters the binding capacity of 99mTc the erythrocytes and the use of heparin as an anticoagulant gave also a higher labeling efficiency compared with the use of EDTA.The non - ionizi ng radiation has a promising power applications of biomedical sciences can be used for marking targets macromolecules in the body in order to diagnostic procedures and disease control.
URI : http://www.ejmanager.com/mnstemps/36/36-1462347057.pdf
ISSN : 2231 - 6876
Aparece en las colecciones: PPGF - Artigos publicados em revistas científica

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