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Tipo: Dissertação
Título : Vulnerabilidade sócioambiental: mapas afetivos e degradação ambiental no Conjunto Vila Velha, Fortaleza, Ceará
Título en inglés: Socio-environmental vulnerability: love maps and environmental degradation in the Conjunto Vila Velha, Fortaleza, Ceará
Autor : Mesquita, Edson Minarete Pacheco de
Tutor: Sales, Marta Celina Linhares
Palabras clave : Vulnerabilidade sócioambiental;Degradação ambiental;Mapas afetivos;Socio-environmental vulnerability;Environmental destruction;Affective maps;Avaliação paisagística;Percepção geográfica
Fecha de publicación : 2010
Citación : MESQUITA, Edson Minarete Pacheco de. Vulnerabilidade sócioambiental: mapas afetivos e degradação ambiental no Conjunto Vila Velha, Fortaleza, Ceará. 2010. 135 f. : Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, Programa Regional de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente - PRODEMA, Fortaleza-CE, 2010.
Resumen en portugués brasileño: O Conjunto Habitacional Vila Velha localizado no extremo oeste de Fortaleza é o resultado de uma série de políticas púbicas de habitação, de conflitos do uso do solo urbano e da degradação ambiental. Para entender como vivem as pessoas neste bairro, sob quais condições vivem, quais os aspectos do ambiente natural do bairro e quais os sentimentos dos moradores sobre o local de moradia, elaborou-se uma metodologia de pesquisa baseada nas analises de dados do IBGE sobre indicadores de renda, educação e qualidade das habitações, por fim elaborou-se um índice de vulnerabilidade social para o Conjunto Habitacional Vila Velha. Como resultado observamos que a maioria da população vive sob condições de alta vulnerabilidade social. Por intermédio de uma matriz de interações, a matriz de Leopold, descrevemos as condições do ambiente natural do Conjunto Vila Velha, caracterizamos o clima, o relevo, o solo, e a vegetação do lugar, evidenciando sua vulnerabilidade ambiental através da degradação ambiental. Paralelo a esta abordagem utilizamos como instrumento de analise dos afetos os mapas afetivos criado por BOMFIM (2003), vinte e dois agentes comunitários de saúde formaram o grupo de moradores entrevistados. Como resultado da pesquisa sobre afetos, emergiram imagens de contraste, destruição, pertencimento e agradabilidade. As imagens mais significativas foram as de contraste e destruição caracterizadas por sentimentos negativos sobre o conjunto Vila Velha, o que reforça a nossa hipótese de que em lugares de alta vulnerabilidades socioambiental há o predomínio de uma estima negativa sobre o lugar.
Abstract: The Vila Velha Housing locates in Fortaleza‟s far west is result of many public politics of housing, by the competition for urban land and environment destruction. To understand how people live in this neighborhood, under which condition they live, the environmental aspects and the neighborhood´s feelings about the place of housing, a research‟s methodology was created in IBGE data analysis grounding about indicator of income, education and housing qualities, at last a social vulnerability rate for Vila Velha Housing was developed. As a result was notice that the majority of population live under high social vulnerability conditions. Through a interactive matrix, the Leopold matrix, the Vila Velha´s environmental aspects was described, the climate, relief, soil, and vegetation was make up showing his environmental vulnerability through his destruction. In parallel approach was used as a analysis tool of affects the affective maps created by BOMFIM (2003), twenty two health agents organized the interviewed group. As a result of the affect‟s research, images of contrast, destruction, pertaining and pleasure arise. The most significant images was contrast and destruction typical traits of negative feelings about Vila Velha Housing, which strengthened our hypothesis that in high socio-environmental places there´s a predominance of negative affects about palces. The Vila Velha Housing locates in Fortaleza‟s far west is result of many public politics of housing, by the competition for urban land and environment destruction. To understand how people live in this neighborhood, under which condition they live, the environmental aspects and the neighborhood´s feelings about the place of housing, a research‟s methodology was created in IBGE data analysis grounding about indicator of income, education and housing qualities, at last a social vulnerability rate for Vila Velha Housing was developed. As a result was notice that the majority of population live under high social vulnerability conditions. Through a interactive matrix, the Leopold matrix, the Vila Velha´s environmental aspects was described, the climate, relief, soil, and vegetation was make up showing his environmental vulnerability through his destruction. In parallel approach was used as a analysis tool of affects the affective maps created by BOMFIM (2003), twenty two health agents organized the interviewed group. As a result of the affect‟s research, images of contrast, destruction, pertaining and pleasure arise. The most significant images was contrast and destruction typical traits of negative feelings about Vila Velha Housing, which strengthened our hypothesis that in high socio-environmental places there´s a predominance of negative affects about palces.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/16721
Aparece en las colecciones: PRODEMA - Dissertações defendidas na UFC

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