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dc.contributor.authorHühn, Sérgio Roberto Bacelar-
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Adalene Moreira-
dc.contributor.authorFerreira, Francisco José Fonseca-
dc.contributor.authorBraitenberg, Carla-
dc.identifier.citationHÜHN, Sérgio Roberto Bacelar et al. Mapping New IOCG Mineral Systems in Brazil: The Vale do Curaçá and Riacho do Pontal Copper Districts. Minerals, [s.l.], v.10, n. 12, p.1-29, 2020.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe Vale do Curaçá and Riacho do Pontal copper districts are located within the northern part of the Archaean São Francisco Craton and represent two pulses of mineralization. The copper districts have been identified as Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) classes of deposits. An older metallogenic event associated with the Caraíba copper deposit, which is located in the Vale do Curaçá district, is related to Palaeoproterozoic (ca. 2 to 2.2 Ga) hydrothermal processes. A younger Neoproterozoic (ca. 750 to 570 Ma) episode of volcanism and associated plutonism is represented by the Riacho do Pontal mineral district. Seismic tomography data from across east-central Brazil show that the multiage Carajás province and Vale do Curaçá and Riacho do Pontal copper districts sit along either side of a prominent NW-trending upper lithospheric high-velocity zone. The edges of the high-velocity zone point to long-lived subparallel transcrustal structures that have been the focus of multiple reactivations and copper mineralization events. Regional gravity and magnetic maps show that the Vale do Curaçá copper district extends over an area greater than 110 km by 22 km. The magnetic and gravity values show significant variations correlated with this area. The district includes high gravity values associated with the Caraíba copper mine (>−35 mGal), which has a greater density (3.13 g/cm3) than the nonmineralized host rock density (2.98 g/cm3). The gravity anomaly signature over the Riacho do Pontal copper district is characterized by a 40-km long NW–SE trending Bouguer gravity low. The Ria4 occurrences of the Riacho do Pontal copper district are situated in these regional low-gravity domains. Data from regional airborne magnetic and ground gravity surveys were inverted to obtain a 3D magnetic susceptibility and density model, respectively, for the known districts. The results show that the Caraíba deposit is characterized by a both dense and magnetic source showing structural control by thrust shear zones. The 2D and 3D geological models show two main NNW prospective trends. Trends I and II have a sigmoidal shear shape and are positioned in the contact zone between domains with high magnetic susceptibility (SI > 0.005) and density > 0 g/cm3). Trend I is 40 km × 10 km in size and hosts the Caraíba, Surubim, and Vermelho copper mines and other minor deposits. The results obtained from the 3D magnetic inversion model for the region of the Riacho do Pontal district show weak magnetic anomaly highs extending along a NW–SE magnetic gradient trend. The gradient is related to mapped shear zones that overprint older and deeper NE–SW features of the São Francisco cratonic root. The area includes high gravity values associated with the Caraíba copper deposit, which has a greater density (3.13 g/cm3) than the nonmineralized host rock density (2.4 g/cm3).pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subject3D data integrationpt_BR
dc.subjectGravimetric and magnetic inversionpt_BR
dc.subjectRiacho do Pontalpt_BR
dc.titleMapping New IOCG Mineral Systems in Brazil: The Vale do Curaçá and Riacho do Pontal Copper Districtspt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
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