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Type: Artigo de Periódico
Title: Characterization of obstetric assistance at labor and childbirth in low-risk women on a maternity of reference to maternal and child health
Authors: Medeiros, Maxsuenia Queiroz
Feitosa, Francisco Edson Lucena
Pinheiro, Ana Karina Bezerra
Carvalho Neto, Raimundo Homero
Firmiano, Mariana Luisa Veras
Mesquita, Debora Rodrigues
Augusto, Lucas Costa Carvalho
Carvalho, Francisco Herlanio Costa
Keywords: Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde;Health Services Research
Issue Date: Apr-2017
Publisher: International Archives of Medicine
Citation: MEDEIROS, M. Q. et al. Characterization of obstetric assistance at labor and childbirth in low-risk women on a maternity of reference to maternal and child health. International Archives of Medicine, v. 10, n. 124, apr. 2017.
Abstract: Objectives: To describe the prevalence of the implementation of obstetric interventions for labor and birth in normal-risk women in reference to maternity Stork Network. Methods: cross-sectional study was performed from April 2014 to January 2015, with 421 participants in the Maternity School Assis Chateaubriand - UFC, admitted during spontaneous or induced labor with a live fetus and single pregnancy term and their fetuses weighing between 2,500 and 4,499g. The data collection instrument was divided into blocks with sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, obstetric, data care during labor, delivery and birth, maternal morbidity, maternal outcome and obstetric practices in categories A and B from WHO and perinatal outcomes. The values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Results: The age ranged from 13 to 44; the average gestational age at admission was 38.9 ± 1.1 weeks; 52.2% with only one child; 8.6% had a previous cesarean section. There was 96.2% of pre-natal coverage with an average of 6.4 consultations. 76.2% had vaginal delivery. Obstetric practices in category A were more prevalent oxytocin in the third stage (97.1%), partograph (95%), non-invasive methods for pain relief (87.2%), companion (84.6%). While in section B were more of a vaginal examination at 2 hours (50.4%) and intravenous infusion (44.9%) and oxytocin in the expansion phase (28.8%). The present study had as limitations the loss of some data, which depended on the filling of third parties, which are characteristic of searches in medical records, or any documentary archive because it is a collection of secondary data. Conclusions: It was possible to identify that the "Good labor assistance practices" has been developed in a good proportion considered; however some practices that should be discouraged are still performed relatively frequently.
ISSN: 1755-7682
Appears in Collections:PPGSP - Artigo publicado em revista científica

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