Navegando por Autor Reimer, James Davis

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Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)Tipo
2022Literature review of coral reef restoration in and around the coral triangle from the viewpoint of marine biodiversityReimer, James Davis; Albelda, Ritzelle L.; Biondi, Piera; Hardianto, Eko; Huang, Shuyin; Masucci, Giovanni Diego; Sayco, Sherry Lyn G.; Wee, Hin Boo; Zhu, YafanArtigo de Periódico
2022Marine animal forests of the world: definition and characteristicsOrejas, Covadonga; Carreiro-Silva, Marina; Mohn, Christian; Reimer, James Davis; Samaai, Toufiek A.; Allcock, Louise; Rossi, SergioArtigo de Periódico