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Out-2015Deregulated expression of SRC, LYN and CKB kinases by DNA methylation and its potential role in gastric cancer Invasiveness and metastasisMello, Adriano Azevedo; Leal, Mariana Ferreira; Rey, Juan Antonio; Pinto, Giovanny Rebouças; Lamarão, Leticia Martins; Montenegro, Raquel Carvalho; Alves, Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes; Assumpção, Paulo Pimentel; Borges, Barbara do Nascimento; Smith, Marília Cardoso; Burbano, Rommel RodriguezArtigo de Periódico
Ago-2014Genetic screening analysis of patients with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer from northern and northeastern BrazilMoreira-Nunes, Caroline Aquino; Barros, Mariceli Baia Leão; Borges, Bárbara do Nascimento; Montenegro, Raquel Carvalho; Lamarão, Leticia Martins; Ribeiro, Helem Ferreira; Bona, Amanda Braga; Assumpção, Paulo Pimentel; Rey, Juan Antonio; Pinto, Giovanny Rebouças; Burbano, Rommel RodriguezArtigo de Periódico