Navegando por Autor Fregolente, Laís Gomes

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2021Hydrochar from sugarcane industry by-products: assessment of its potential use as a soil conditioner by germination and growth of maizeFregolente, Laís Gomes; Santos, João Vitor dos; Mazzati, Felipe S.; Miguel, Thaiz Batista Azevedo Rangel; Miguel, Emilio de Castro; Moreira, Altair Benedito; Ferreira, Odair Pastor; Bisinoti, Márcia CristinaArtigo de Periódico
2019Toxicity evaluation of process water from hydrothermal carbonization of sugarcane industry by-productsFregolente, Laís Gomes; Miguel, Thaiz Batista Azevedo Rangel; Miguel, Emilio de Castro; Melo, Camila de Almeida; Moreira, Altair Benedito; Ferreira, Odair Pastor; Bisinoti, Márcia CristinaArtigo de Periódico