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Type: Artigo de Evento
Title: Inovações tecnológicas em canteiros de obras: caso de Florianópolis
Authors: Librelotto, Lisiane Ilha
Meira, Alexsandra Rocha
Heineck, Luiz Fernando Mählmann
Rados, Gregório Varvakis
Keywords: Construção civil - Inovações;Inovações tecnológicas
Issue Date: 1998
Citation: LIBRELOTTO, L. I. et al. Inovações tecnológicas em canteiros de obras: caso de Florianópolis. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 18., 1998, Niterói. Anais... Niterói: ENEGEP, 1998.
Abstract: Technological innovations in the areas of new tools, equipment’s, site safety and internal means of communication are compared in 7 different housebuilding sites in the city of Florianópolis, state of Santa Catarina. A list of those innovations was prepared and site observations were conducted, in order to attest if they were present or under implementation. It was found that a very small proportion of innovations were implemented by the building firms under investigation; only the items related to site safety were able to get higher scores, mainly due to the enforcing powers of current legislation. Despite the fact that qualitative assessments indicate that there is a positive attitude towards the listed innovations, there is a long way to go in order to improve site conditions in the building companies that took part in this research work.
Appears in Collections:DECC - Trabalhos apresentados em eventos

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