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dc.contributor.authorEstevam Júnior, Antônio Fernando do Nascimento-
dc.identifier.citationESTEVAM JÚNIOR, Antonio Fernando do Nascimento. The observation and analysis of how students can learn better when their culture is understood. In: SEMANA DE HUMANIDADES, 15., 2022, Fortaleza. Anais [...]. Fortaleza: Centro de Humanidades da UFC, 2022. p. 124. Tema: Sonhar é Humanas: (re)existências no mundo contemporâneo.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectLearning grammarpt_BR
dc.subjectPortuguese speakerspt_BR
dc.titleThe observation and analysis of how students can learn better when their culture is understoodpt_BR
dc.description.abstract-ptbrThe learning process of a second language is, sometimes, challenger for many Brazilian students due to the contact, interaction and practice they need to do to achieve their fluence, on the other hand for most of them learning English, as a second language, can be fun and not too challenging because they use their culture to motivate their process and this is the key point that every teacher must know in order to improve an effective teaching in class. Meantime, the pupils that do not understand some texts or they do not have the ability to pronounce the words better end up demotivated because they feel like they do not belong, and the end is a way famous; they quit before knowing what is best for his or her learning process. The role of the teacher in class should hoover what is best for the class in terms of how can they learn properly, and the big question is: Is it better to understand the pupil’s culture and apply it in class with the learning process? According to (Brown,2000) the teacher must develop techniques that focus on the student level respecting their time and reasons, in other words is highly important for any student of English to involve their own knowledge and work with that in their learning process.pt_BR
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