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Título: Assessing cloud computing SaaS adoption for enterprise applications using a Petri net MCDM framework
Autor(es): Ribas, Maristella
Lima, Alberto Sampaio
Souza, José Neuman de
Moura, José Antão Beltrão
Sousa, Flávio Rubens de Carvalho
Fenner, Germano
Palavras-chave: Cloud computing;SaaS;BDIM;AHP;Decision-making;Petri nets
Data do documento: 2014
Instituição/Editor/Publicador: Network Operations and Management Symposium
Citação: LIMA, A. S. et al. Assessing cloud computing SaaS adoption for enterprise applications using a Petri net MCDM framework. In: NETWORK OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUM, 2014, Cracóvia. Anais... Cracóvia: IEEE, 2014. p. 1-6.
Abstract: Cloud computing has become a very popular technology for IT infrastructure (infrastructure as a service - IaaS), with big players offering attractive pricing schemes. Software vendors are interested in offering products in the cloud as services. However, in order to evaluate software as an offer of service (SaaS) for a given enterprise application, we need to assess some qualitative factors other than just price-security and trust being the most relevant factors. In this work, we propose a Petri net multi- criteria decision making (MCDM) framework to evaluate SaaS as opposed to an on-premises alternative. The proposed framework can help IT managers in deciding between the two options, as well as being able to help software vendors in their efforts to establish SaaS pricing.
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