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dc.contributor.authorD’Aguiar, Savanna Cristina Medeiros-
dc.contributor.authorParente Junior, Evandro-
dc.identifier.citationD’AGUIAR, Savanna Cristina Medeiros; PARENTE JÚNIOR, Evandro. Local buckling and post-critical behavior of thin-walled composite channel section columns. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 15, n.7, 2018. Original Article, e56.pt_BR
dc.identifier.issnPrint 1679-7817-
dc.identifier.issnOnline 1679-7825-
dc.description.abstractThis work presents a study of the behavior, performance and failure of thinwalled composite channel section columns. The study is carried-out using nonlinear finite element models of laminated columns, including geometric imperfections and material failure, as well as approximate analytical solutions based on the Classical Lamination Theory. The accuracy of the numerical model is assessed using experimental results available in the literature and very good results were obtained. The results show the influence of the column layup and wall thickness on the structural behavior of laminated columns, including the buckling mode and ultimate failure load. Finally, the numerical model is used to assess the accuracy of approximate closed-form expressions for evaluation of the local buckling loads of composite channel section columns.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectLaminated Columnspt_BR
dc.subjectComposite materialspt_BR
dc.subjectLocal bucklingpt_BR
dc.subjectFinite element analysispt_BR
dc.titleLocal buckling and post-critical behavior of thin-walled composite channel section columnspt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
Appears in Collections:DECC - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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