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dc.contributor.authorCosta, Francisco Wagner Vasconcelos da-
dc.contributor.authorSilva, José Euclides Gomes da-
dc.contributor.authorVeras, Diego Frankin de Souza-
dc.contributor.authorAlmeida, Carlos Alberto Santos de-
dc.identifier.citationCOSTA, F. W. V.; SILVA, J. E. G.; VERAS, D. F. S.; ALMEIDA, C. A. S. Gauge fields in a string-cigar braneworld. Physics Letters B, Amsterdã, v. 747, p. 517-522, 2015.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn this work, we investigate the properties of the Abelian gauge vector field in the background of a string-cigar braneworld. Both the thin and thick brane limits are considered. The string-cigar scenario can be regarded as an interior and exterior string-like solution. The source undergoes a geometric Ricci flow which is related to a variation of the bulk cosmological constant. The Ricci flow changes the width and amplitude of the massless mode at the brane core and recovers the usual string-like behavior at large distances. By means of suitable numerical methods, we attain the Kaluza–Klein (KK) spectrum for the string-like and the string-cigar models. For the string-cigar model, the KK modes are smooth near the brane and their amplitude are enhanced by the brane core. Furthermore, the analogue Schrödinger potentialis also regulated by the geometric flow.pt_BR
dc.publisherPhysics Letters Bpt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectCampos de calibre (Física)pt_BR
dc.subjectModelo Gherghetta–Shaposhnikovpt_BR
dc.subjectFluxo de Riccipt_BR
dc.titleGauge fields in a string-cigar braneworldpt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
Aparece en las colecciones: DFI - Artigos publicados em revista científica

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