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dc.contributor.authorCunha Filho, Clayton Mendonça-
dc.contributor.authorCoelho, André Luiz-
dc.contributor.authorFlores, Fidel Irving Pérez-
dc.identifier.citationCunha Filho, C. M.; Coelho, A. L.; Flores, F. I. P. (2013)pt_BR
dc.identifier.issn0192-5121 (impresso)-
dc.identifier.issn1460-373X (online)-
dc.descriptionCUNHA FILHO, Clayton Mendonça. A right-to-left policy switch? An analysis of the Honduran case under Manuel Zelaya. International Political Science Review, Thousand Oaks, p. 1-24, 2013.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractA member of the Honduran elite and elected president with a right-of-center platform in 2005, Manuel Zelaya soon came to be allied with Latin America’s bloc of radical left-wing governments – this being the first case of a post-democratization right-to-left policy switch in the region. The aim of this article is to assess the reasons that could have motivated Zelaya’s ideological turn. After a brief discussion of the Honduran political process, we review the literature about the issue of policy switching and proceed to an empirical analysis of the Honduran case. We find that the fragility of the country’s energy sector and the alliance with Venezuela in a context of international economic crisis and high oil prices could have triggered a causal mechanism in Honduras similar to the one caused by currency scarcity and international pressure pointed to by the literature as the leading cause for traditional left-to-right switches, which suggests that this case study could serve as a pattern-matching exercise to the general findings of currently accepted switch theory.pt_BR
dc.publisherInternational Political Science Reviewpt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectPolicy switchpt_BR
dc.subjectManuel Zelayapt_BR
dc.titleA right-to-left policy switch? An analysis of the Honduran case under Manuel Zelayapt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
Appears in Collections:DCSO - Artigos publicados em revistas científicas

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