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dc.contributor.authorSilva, José Lassance de Castro-
dc.contributor.authorViana, Gerardo Valdísio Rodrigues-
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Bruno de Castro Honorato-
dc.identifier.citationSILVA, J. L. C. ; VIANA, G. V. R. ; SILVA, B. C. H. . Uma técnica interativa e gráfica aplicada no problema de atendimento de ocorrências policiais. In: WCSEIT 2013 - Word Congresson Systems Engineering and Informatio Technology, 2013, Porto-PT. Anais... Porto-PT: 2013.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents an innovative technique used in Police Occurrence Treatment Problem, which intends to determine how to proceed in a way to prevent the escape of personnel involved in criminal activities: robbery, murder, among others. The Departments of Public Security of the States, constitutional institutes are responsible for control of public security of its citizens and institutions, do not disclose what techniques are used by them to apprehend the criminals involved in such events, because this character information confidential. There is not knowledge in the scientific literature on how to handle the problem. This paper presents a technique based on specific knowledge of the operational research that can help these institutes to solve the problem with good performance, aided by computers, much faster than if you try to use only human reasoning. We performed computational experiments using case studies to show the satisfactory performance of our proposalThis paper presents an innovative technique used in Police Occurrence Treatment Problem, which intends to determine how to proceed in a way to prevent the escape of personnel involved in criminal activities: robbery, murder, among others. The Departments of Public Security of the States, constitutional institutes are responsible for control of public security of its citizens and institutions, do not disclose what techniques are used by them to apprehend the criminals involved in such events, because this character information confidential. There is not knowledge in the scientific literature on how to handle the problem. This paper presents a technique based on specific knowledge of the operational research that can help these institutes to solve the problem with good performance, aided by computers, much faster than if you try to use only human reasoning. We performed computational experiments using case studies to show the satisfactory performance of our proposal.pt_BR
dc.publisherWCSEIT 2013 - Word Congresson Systems Engineering and Informatio Technologypt_BR
dc.subjectCombinatorial optimizationpt_BR
dc.subjectGraph theorypt_BR
dc.subjectOperational researchpt_BR
dc.titleUma técnica interativa e gráfica aplicada no problema de atendimento de ocorrências policiaispt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
Aparece en las colecciones: GESLOG - Trabalhos apresentados em eventos

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