Navegando por Autor Shu, Qifeng

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2020Crystallization control for fluorine-free mold fluxes: effect of Na2O content on non-isothermal melt crystallization kineticsShu, Qifeng; Klug, Jeferson Leandro; Medeiros, Samuel Lucas Santos; Heck, Nestor Cezar; Liu, YangArtigo de Periódico
2020Development of non-reactive F-free mold fluxes for high aluminum steels: non-isothermal crystallization kinetics for devitrificationShu, Qifeng; Li, Qiangqi; Medeiros, Samuel Lucas Santos; Klug, Jeferson LeandroArtigo de Periódico
2019Non-isothermal melt crystallization kinetics for CaO-Al2O3-B2O3 F-Free mould fluxesShu, Qifeng; Klug, Jeferson Leandro; Li, QiangqiArtigo de Periódico