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Ago-2019Early life child micronutrient status, maternal reasoning, and a nurturing household environment have persistent influences on child cognitive development at age 5 years: results from MAL-EDMcCormick, Benjamin J. J; Richard, Stephanie A.; Caulfield, Laura E.; Pendergast, Laura L.; Seidman, Jessica C.; Koshy, Beena; Roshan, Reeba; Shrestha, Rita; Svensen, Erling; Blacy, Ladislaus; Rasmussen, Zeba; Maphula, Angelina; Scharf, Rebecca; Nahar, Baitun; Haque, Sayma; Rasheed, Muneera; Oria, Reinaldo; Rogawski, Elizabeth T.; Murray-Kolb, Laura E.Artigo de Periódico
Jun-2017Epidemiology of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli infections and associated outcomes in the MAL-ED birth cohortRogawski, Elizabeth T.; Guerrant, Richard L.; Havt, Alexandre; Lima, Ila F. N.; Medeiros, Pedro H. Q. S.; Seidman, Jessica C.; McCormick, Benjamin J. J.; Babji, Sudhir; Hariraju, Dinesh; Bodhidatta, Ladaporn; Shrestha, Jasmin; Anania, Japhat; Maro, Athanasia; Samie, Amidou; Yori, Pablo Peñataro; Qureshi, Shahida; Mahfuz, Mustafa; Bessong, Pascal O.; Kosek, Margaret N.; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.; Lang, Dennis R.; Gottlieb, Michael; Houpt, Eric R.; Lima, Aldo A. M.Artigo de Periódico
2017Use of antibiotics in children younger than two years in eight countries : a prospective cohort studyRogawski, Elizabeth T.; Platts-Mills, James A.; Seidman, Jessica C.; John, Sushil; Mahfuz, Mustafa; Ulak, Manjeswori; Shrestha, Sanjaya K.; Soofi, Sajid Bashir; Yori, Pablo Peñataro; Mduma, Estomih; Svensen, Erling; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Lima, Aldo A. M.; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.; Kosek, Margaret N.; Lang, Dennis R.; Gottlieb, Michael; Zaidi, Anita K. M.; Kang, Gagandeep; Bessong, Pascal O.; Houpt, Eric R.; Guerrant, Richard L.Artigo de Periódico