Navegando por Autor Prieto-da-Silva, A.R.B.

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2009Cloning of serine protease cDNAs from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom gland and expression of a functional Gyroxin homologue in COS7 cellsYonamine, C.M.; Prieto-da-Silva, A.R.B.; Magalhães, G. S.; Rádis-Baptista, Gandhi; Morganti, Ligia; Ambiel, F. C.; Chura-Chambi, R.M.; Camillo, M.A.P.Artigo de Periódico
2008Expression of mRNAs coding for VAP1/crotastatin-like metalloproteases in the venom glands of three South American pit vipers assessed by quantitative real-time PCRTavares, N.A.C.; Correia, J.M.; Guarnieri, M.C.; Lima-Filho, J.L.; Prieto-da-Silva, A.R.B.; Rádis-Baptista, GandhiArtigo de Periódico