Browsing by Author Pennetta, Antonio

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2021Optimization of a new multi-reagent procedure for quantitative mussel digestion in microplastic analysis.Fraissinet, Silvia; Pennetta, Antonio; Rossi, Sergio; De Benedetto, Giuseppe E.; Malitesta, CosiminoArtigo de Periódico
2023Trophic ecology of Angolan cold-water coral reefs (SE Atlantic) based on stable isotope analysesVinha, Beatriz; Rossi, Sergio; Gori, Andrea; Hanz, Ulrike; Pennetta, Antonio; Benedetto, Giuseppe E. De; Mienis, Furu; Huvenne, Veerle A. I.; Hebbeln, Dierk; Wienberg, Claudia; Titschack, Jürgen; Freiwald, André; Piraino, Stefano; Orejas, CovadongaArtigo de Periódico
2023Understanding Cassiopea andromeda (Scyphozoa) invasiveness in different habitats: a multiple biomarker comparison.Thé, Jorge; Mammone, Marta; Piraiano, Stefano; Pennetta, Antonio; Benedetto, Giuseppe Egidio De; Garcia, Tatiane Martins; Soares, Marcelo de Oliveira; Rossi, SergioArtigo de Periódico