Browsing by Author Milanez, Luiz Fernando

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2006Análise da operação de motores diesel com misturas parciais de biodieselBueno, André ValenteTese
2011Heat release and engine performance effects of soybean oil ethyl ester blending into diesel fuelBueno, André Valente; Alegre, José Antonio Andrés Velásquez; Milanez, Luiz FernandoArtigo de Periódico
2012Internal Combustion Engine Indicating MeasurementsBueno, André Valente; Alegre, José Antonio Andrés Velásquez; Milanez, Luiz FernandoCapítulo de Livro
2009A new engine indicating measurement procedure for combustion heat release analysisBueno, André Valente; Alegre, José Antonio Andrés Velásquez; Milanez, Luiz FernandoArtigo de Periódico
2011Notes on ‘‘A methodology for combustion detection indies elenginesthroughin-cylinderpres surederivativesignal’’Bueno, André Valente; Alegre, José Antonio Andrés Velásquez; Milanez, Luiz FernandoArtigo de Periódico