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2014High-resolution Hg Chemostratigraphy: A contribution to the distinction of chemical fingerprints of the Deccan volcanism and Cretaceous−Paleogene Boundary impact event. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, PalaeoecologySial, Alcides Nobrega; Chen, Jiubin; Lacerda, Luiz Drude de; Peralta, S.; Pepe, Claudio Gaucher; Frei, R.; Cirilli, S.; Ferreira, Valderez Pinto; Marquillas, R.A.; Barbosa, José Antônio; Pereira, Natan Silva; Belmino, I.K.CArtigo de Periódico
2016Mercury enrichment and Hg isotopes in CretaceousePaleogene boundary successions: Links to volcanism and palaeoenvironmental impactsSial, A.N; Chen b, Jiubin; Lacerda, Luiz Drude de; Frei, R.; Tewari, V.C.; Pandit, M.K.; Gaucher, C.; Ferreira, V.P.; Cirilli, S.; Peralta i, S.; Korte, C.; Barbosa, J.A.; Pereira, N.S.Artigo de Periódico