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Tipo: Artigo de Evento
Título : Detection of non-orthogonal PAM signals with spectral overlapping
Autor : Lucena, Antônio Macílio Pereira de
Mota, João César Moura
Cavalcante, Charles Casimiro
Palabras clave : Teleinformática;Sistemas de comunicação
Fecha de publicación : 2005
Editorial : Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications
Citación : LUCENA, A. M. P. ; MOTA, J. C. M. ; CAVALCANTE, C. C. Detection of non-orthogonal PAM signals with spectral overlapping. In: WORKSHOP ON SIGNAL PROCESSING ADVANCES IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, 6., 2006, New York. Anais... New York: IEEE, 2005. p. 425-429.
Abstract: A model for a communication system transmitting two nonorthogonal n-PAM signals with spectral overlapping through an AWGN band-limited channel is established. The system is shown to be equivalent to a discrete time-variant multi-user channel with strong interference among users. A receiver structure based on source separation concepts is proposed. The performance of signal detection in terms of symbol error rate is evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations.
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/4108
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