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Type: Artigo de Evento
Title: Transceiver architectures in multiuser MIMO environments with different power allocations
Authors: Guerreiro, Igor Moáco
Silva, Ícaro Leonardo Jerônimo da
Freitas Júnior, Walter da Cruz
Cavalcante, Charles Casimiro
Keywords: Telecomunicações;Antenas
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações
Citation: GUERREIRO, I. M. et al. Transceiver architectures in multiuser MIMO environments with different power allocations. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TELECOMUNICAÇOES, 25., 2007, Recife, Anais... Recife: Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2007.
Abstract: In this paper we present efficient MIMO transceiver architectures evaluated in a multiuser environment. In this context we consider traditional MIMO transmit structures and also hybrid ones proposed in [6] capable of achieve diversity and multiplexing gains. Our results shown that in a multiuser environment the MIMO transmit structures of the desired user has a crucial impact in the performance due the diversity orders of the multiple layers in the MIMO structure.
Appears in Collections:DETE - Trabalhos apresentados em eventos

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