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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título: Language and transcendence
Autor(es): Watson, James R.
Palavras-chave: Language and transcendence;neurobiological pneumatology
Data do documento: 1978
Citação: WATSON, James R. Language and transcendence. Revista de Ciências Sociais, Fortaleza, v. 9, n. 1/2, p. 155-165, 1978.
Resumo: Shortly following líghtbreak on August 2, 1986 8the advanced seminar cadets of the Skinner Behavior Contrai Institute began to file into the newly erected geodesic cell. Here in the Neurobiological Division today was to bring their last lecturc on protoplastic diagnosis. All students were presentChief Skinner was to personally present this lecture. Following his customary and general comments on the Students Beta-wave progress indicators, Chief Skinner expressed his grave concern with growing student dissatisfaction related to protoplastic diagnosis and its techno-application to mass behavior charneling. "It has been brought to my attention that certain students of neurobiological pneumatology have manifested definite maladaptive characteristics. According to previously computed behavior probabilities this could only have accurred, allowing for normal deviancy, if our population-maxima field here at the Institute failed to include compensatoryregulative mechanisms sufficient to contain certain known, but as yet unbound, organistic variables associated with marginal, so-called, 'free' actions. As advanced students of neurobiology you know that the applied science of speech- reflex modification has lagged far behind our theoretical sophistication in this area of behavioral integration. The fact that a certain kind of speech is now gaining control over no less than members of our own cadre only indicates that our research in behavior adaptation and mental harmonics must be incrementally motivated by internai necessity...
Tipo de Acesso: Acesso Aberto
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